I am Dr. Lata Bichile consultant Rheumatologist from Mumbai and the founder of Patient support group MAI, Mumbai for patients with Arthritis. 10th May is identified as Lupus day and we the scientific committee members of MAI along with like minded faculty have brought out Educational videos and blogs on common problems in SLE. Do […]
Author: admin
Hair loss in Rheumatic Diseases
All women, more so Indian women, take pride in having long, lustrous flowing hair. But one problem that all face, at some point in their lives, is hair loss. This can happen with increased severity in patients with Rheumatic diseases. There are multiple reasons for this – general causes such as harsh handling of hair, […]
संधिवात ही स्त्रीयांची ओळख नव्हे !!
नमस्कार ! ८ मार्च नुकताच साजरा झालेला International Women’s day ! स्त्रीच्या स्त्रीत्वाच्या, जाणिवांचा, हक्कांचा, समानतेचा आणि सन्मानाचा दिवस. स्त्रीच्या अस्तित्वालाच नव्हे तर तिच्या कर्तुत्वाला सलाम करायचा दिवस! एक मुलगी, बहीण, मैत्रीण, बायको, आई, आजी, अशा किती भूमिका साकारते स्त्री. एकविसाव्या शतकात तर घर कुटुंबा पलीकडे जाऊन देश रक्षणाकरता फायटर पायलट होते, चंद्र मंगळाची अवकाश […]
Tips for Patients with Rheumatic diseases during Winter months
Dr. Raheesh Ravindran, MBBS, PGCC (Rheumatology), DNB (General Medicine), Mumbai. Winter is fast approaching and as you guys are reading this blog Northern India must be already reeling under very cold weather. Winter season is especially very difficult for patients with rheumatic diseases. Many of my patients who were doing well until recently suddenly start […]
Covid and Arthritis – How should a patient with arthritis deal with it
With almost a year into this Covid era, the risk still looms large, but for arthritis patients, with Covid around the problems could be higher. Dr. Mamta Venkatesh, a renowned Rheumatologist explains in a very easy to understand format on how to tackle Covid and Arthritis together.
Principles of Joint Protection
Principles of Joint Protection & Energy Conservation Techniques in day to day activities Fig 1- Avoid tight grasp Fig 2-using minimum force to complete task with efficient use of both hands avoiding ulnar deviation Fig 3- using minimum force with good body mechanics. […]
Physiotherapy – Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease in which your immune system attacks the lining of your joints or synovial tissue. Tissue cells produce inflammatory chemicals that can damage your joint and surrounding tissue. RA signs and symptoms include Pain, Stiffness, Swelling and limited Range of Motion, Reduced Flexibility and ultimately loss of Functions. RA […]
लुपस माझा साथी
पेशंट कोण आहे तुमच्यापैकी ? माझ्याकडे बोट दाखवले मुळीच वाटत नाही ! कारण, मला सवोत्तम डॉक्टर मिळाले, माझ्या घरच्यांनी मला खूप समजून घेतले आणि मी स्वतः जिद्द सोडली नाही लंडनच्या लुपस सोसायटी मधला हा संसार सुमारे १० वर्षां पूर्वीचा साधारणतः २००७ मध्ये मला सांधेदुखी सुरु झाली त्या पाठोपाठ केस गळणे, प्रचंड थकवा, निरुत्साह, दम लागणे […]