Arthritis Support Foundation helps you fight pain

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About ASF

About MAI

About MAI

Mission Arthritis India (MAI) - Mumbai Chapter is a registered non-profit organisation with registration number

Rheumatic Diseases

Rheumatic Diseases

Rheumatic Diseases

Rheumatic diseases affect your joints tendons, ligaments, bones, and muscles. Among them are many types of arthritis, a term used for conditions that affect your joints.

Dealing with Pain

Dealing with Pain

Dealing with Pain

Pain can be a major symptom of arthritis. MAI brings you useful information and self-help tips on managing short-term and chronic pain.

At a Glance


Goals of Arthritis Support Foundation

Partner in your Journey

ASF is a patient support network that helps patients navigate their journey right from the diagnosis - to understand and cope with all aspects of joint diseases.

Connecting Community

ASF connects you with people dealing with similar conditions. Together we can regain lost confidence and create a positive outlook for the future.

Ongoing Education

ASF is committed to ongoing education - lectures by experienced doctors and paramedical staff will help you better understand aspects of the disease.

Keeping you Updated

ASF is committed to update you on latest developments in the field of Rheumatology with help of newsletters, social media activities and on-ground events.

Social Activities

To improve team spirit and spread awareness in the community, ASF is committed to organize social activities like Walkathons.

Patient Initiatives

ASF is truly of the patients, by the patients and for the patients. On ASF platform, patients can share their experiences and reach out to people all across India.

Do I have arthritis?

If you are experiencing more than a few symptoms mentioned below, then you need to consult a Rheumatologist at the earliest.


  • Are you experiencing Chronic joint pain for over 6 weeks?

  • Are you experiencing pain in three or more joints?

  • Do you have swelling or pain in the knuckles of your hands or balls of your feet?

  • Are you experiencing joint stiffness for over 1 hour every morning?

  • Is anyone in your family having arthritis?

  • Positive arthritis tests? (RA factor, Anti Nuclear antibody- ANA)

  • Have to take pain killer pills for joint pain on regular basis?

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