Arthritis Support Foundation provides you with answers to your commonly asked questions. This is our sincere attempt to provide answers to some basic queries that you may have.
Any person having an interest in the subject of Arthritis and Rheumatism can become a member of this organisation. However, patients who are currently suffering from this condition or have faced this condition earlier would be more ideal. Care takers of such patients can also can benefit by becoming members.
There are two types of membership
- Yearly membership: Rs 150/- and
- Three Year membership: Rs 500/-
If you have opted for yearly membership, then yes, you will need to renew it every year. The form and the procedure would remain the same. You have to download the form and tick the “renewal” box and send along with your membership number. Rest of the details will be taken from the information provided earlier.
No the membership is the same for both patients and caretakers.
Either Both and any one can become a member. It’s an individual choice. In case the patient is not able to access website/ mobile, then caretaker alone also can become a member.
ASF has an executive committee of patients, doctors and professionals who specialize in this field of Arthritis.
ASF will aid in the following ways
- Provide authentic information on the subject and newer updates in the field of Arthritis and Rheumatism.
- Help create a channel between the patients and the experts
- Help solve the day-to-day queries faced by the patients or the care taker. This will not be a platform for consultation.
- Conduct free patient education seminars and workshops
- A dedicated one stop website to access information and sort queries related to the ailment
- Access to newsletter on latest updates and guidance on the subject.